He spoke too soon.
On Thursday everyone came down with the flu, common cold, whatever (everyone except my superhero husband). Anyways, we are all on the mend but geeze, with all the technology in the world today isn't there a cure for whatever it is that we all had?
Which brings me to:

The common cold/flu/whatever (you don't have to be clairvoyant to guess that one)
Fluorescent lightbulbs- I know I am going to get some flack for this one. I'm all about saving the planet and conserving our resources, however, in terms of photography... I really, really, really do not like when you go into a chapel or reception hall and they have not only fluorescent lights but then they mix in tungsten bulbs, candlelight, and natural light pouring in through stained glass windows, talk about a photographer's lighting nightmare!
Brides, when thinking about the lighting for your ceremony and reception, please, Please, PLEASE, think in terms of temperature.
To give you a quick rundown:
Fluorescent bulbs (ANY kind)= Cool lighting
Stage lighting= usually Warm lighting
Candlelight= Warm lighting
Morning light= Cool lighting
Cloudy, overcast days= Cool lighting
Afternoons & Sunset= Warm lighting
Flash= usually Cool lighting
The proper way to light something (for optimal photography in general) is to avoid mixing temperatures, it's that simple.
No offense Belenn and Criss, I know this wasn't your fault (see below) but here is a bad lighting scenario.

When we walked into the chapel we knew it was a bad lighting combination. It was a pretty easy fix, turn off the fluorescent lights! Awww.. perfect, even a little bit more moody and romantic! I then left to find the bride who was finishing getting ready. When I walked back in the chapel at the the start of the ceremony (to my great disappointment) those ugly lights were turned back on. I tried to be incognito and switched them off. When nobody said anything I thought "disaster avoided" (yes, I can be a bit dramatic). The bride walked down the aisle and all was good... until the priest called me out on it. He asked for those lights to be turned back on and then sat and waited until they did (because the fluorescents had to warm up). Anyways, as much as I wanted to loudly announce "sorry, um, they're broken and should never be fixed" I went with the flow and paid for it by lots of extra work in photoshop.

Is it perfect after being edited in photoshop? It's definitely better.... but I'd rather the problem not be there to start with.
I'm just going to put it out there- ALL BRIDES, please, if you have questions about your lighting or just want some help with it- I'M HERE FOR YOU! Please, email, call, harass me! I am here to help you figure things out so you day is "lit" perfectly.
One last rant, Medium- did they really have to end the series like that?? **Spoiler Alert** I mean really, killing her husband... ugh... that's so.... Titanic.
Okay onto:
My hubby, (a shout out to you) for taking out the trash bags full of tissues and for always being there to hold down a kicking, screaming child who'd rather not take their children's tylenol.
Photoshop, for enabling me to do amazing things with my photography
Hulu, for being a constant source of entertainment for me while I edit and edit and edit
Geez, I feel like a either the biggest complainer (rants) or like I'm accepting an award or something (raves).
Until next time...
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