It isn't that these are technically great photos. If one were to critique them they'd say that maybe they weren't composed correctly, maybe the lighting is off, or they're not tack sharp. I don't care. There is just something that's so magical about this series of images.
If you were there you'd see a room full of over 200 Aggies singing their A&M War Hymn, with every verse the volume and intensity in the room increasing.
If you were there you'd see that at the peak or their hymn everyone was running around and grabbing random people's arms, frolicking in a circle, then moving on to the next person.
If you were there you'd see the moment Jake grabs Mallory's arm and realizes it is her. Instantaneously they were totally and completely lost in each other.
It was straight out of a romance novel, the way their eyes met and right then, despite all of the chaos around them, they were the only two people that existed in the world. In one breath they shared a quiet moment, a little kiss.
Yep, right there.
Those are the moments that break the repetition. Those are the moments that take my breath away.
That is the reason I will always love photographing weddings.
Oh and by the way, those that think I'm exaggerating about the whole "200 Aggies" thing, here is your proof: