
All about the babies! {San Antonio Infant Photographer}

Baby sessions can often be really hard! Babies are far from consistent; sometimes they cry, sometimes they have accidents, and sometimes they’re super happy. The parents are very consistent though! They always expect a great portrait!! That being said, there are many things we as Photographers can do to help make our baby sessions go as smooth as humanly possible. Here are my top 5 tips when doing a baby session.

1.Try and schedule the session at your baby's "Happy Hour". All babies are different and have different sleeping habits. If it is a newborn session then more than likely the baby will be sleeping. Not only does this make for some great pictures it is also when they are their happiest. If the baby is beyond 4 weeks old make sure he/she is fed and well rested before the session.

2.For an infant session, get yourself a corn bag or heating pad to help keep the baby asleep and comfy. You can then put the either under the blanket and/or pillow arrangement we using. It remains out of sight, but the heat will rise and keep the blankets nice and warm. Babies are the happiest when they are warm and comfy!

3.Talk very softly. Its very surprising to me especially after having a small child how loud people are when first meeting a baby. This usually scares them no matter how nice or friendly the person actually is. Talking very softly from start to finish is good.

4.Bring any items you want used in the session - family heirlooms, toys, blankets, etc. Typically our session are in your just something to keep in mind when planning the session.

5. Themes....I like themes. For example in Sydneys sessions we used a painting with her name on it. Each time we do a session( newborn,3,6, 9 and 12 months) Sydney is next to the painting she has hanging in her nursery. Another client has her daughter "wear" her wedding dress (done on a yearly basis). For boys, the same client that uses her wedding dress for her son she uses her husband's work boots. These are cute ideas and are a neat way to see your baby grow. Keep in mind the feel of session that you are looking for.

Hopefully these tips will help you have a successful session!

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